Well another devlink has come and gone. Trying to get that much information into your head in such a short time frame is difficult to say the least. Here are some of the highlights that I have come away with this year.

clip.exe - I can not believe that I did not know about this tool that is now included with windows. It is a command line clipboard manager.

WebStorm - Serveral presenters were using this IDE for their javascript editor. It looks pretty nice.

phaser - HTML5 Gaming framework.

sysinternals - I have used these tools for years. Even long before Microsoft bought them. I did not know about some of the newer tools and man have I been missing out.

Spark Core - Sara Chipps was the starting keynote speaker and she showed us a neat little piece of hardware. Some lucky people even got freebies. So what is the spark core? From the spark core website

The Spark Core is a complete Wi-Fi enabled development platform for creating connected devices with ease. The Core is code-compatible with Arduino, which means your existing Arduino code works with little to no modification.

Ollydbg - OllyDbg is a 32-bit assembler level analysing debugger for Microsoft® Windows®. Emphasis on binary code analysis makes it particularly useful in cases where source is unavailable. OllyDbg is a shareware, but you can download and use it for free.

As always it is great to network and meet new people. This year I actually ran into someone from a company I worked for many years ago. It was cool talking to Tony Baker and learning how things have changed over the years.

My Favorite Sessions

Rob Gillen - Intro to Reversing

David McCarter - Rock Your .NET Coding Standards

Michael Wiley - Sysinternals Primer, Malware Hunting with the Sysinternals Tools

I think the closing session was my favorite. It was delivered by Seth Juarez. "The Social Developer" was the title of the talk and it was a soft skills talk. Personally for me I like the "soft skills" talks because the technical stuff comes easy.

The conference as usual was great and I would like to give a great big "Thank You" to the devLink team. If you missed it this year, get to planning for next!