IE Caching Dynamically Genrated PDF
So today I was trying to determine why a dynamically generated PDF file was not accepting changes when the user clicked submit. The PDF file was being spawned in another window but the values did not change. The problem only occurred when using IE, all other browsers worked fine. Turns... [Read More]

BlackBerry Playbook - First Week Thoughts
First I want to say thank you to the fine folks at RIM for the developers contest that netted me a BlackBerry Playbook for the cost of creating an application. This is my first tablet device and after the first week of ownership all I can say is I really... [Read More]

MCP Actions Snag a Canon or Nikon Camera Giveaway!
Here is an awesome site with an awesome contest. MCP Actions! While you are there entering the contest check out the site. There is a ton of information and great stuff. Once you've been there you will want to go back. Have a great one!

GameStop Removes Free Codes From Deus Ex Packaging
What were you thinking, GameStop? Did you seriously think that it was alright to open a new product, alter it and sell it as new? Yep that is what they did. They removed codes from the PC Version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. So the question is, have they done... [Read More]

I'm on Google+ - Here's an Invite for you
I finally got invited to Google+ and would like to share the wealth. Click here to get your invite. Have fun!