Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs
Just got finished watching Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs. I love watching Vincent Price movies but I have never seen this one. Since I like these kind of movies I thought it was pretty good. It at least made me laugh. This is the sequel to Dr. Goldfoot and... [Read More]

Corona SDK - First Thoughts
I have been toying with the idea of making some mobile games/applications. I frequently listen to the Indie Game Development Podcast. On several episodes they discuss using Corona SDK for iOS development. I must say this is a sweet SDK. Corona uses the Lua scripting language to eliminate the stress... [Read More]

Games I Currently Play
XBox 360 The main game I am currently playing is Call Of Duty: Black Ops. Most of the time you can find me on live playing mercenary or team death-match. So watch out if you see the codedragoncom gamertag pop up as you die cause I just gotcha. I have... [Read More]

CodeStock 2011 - Developers Rejoice
It is that time of the year again. I have been going to CodeStock since the very first event and it has gotten better every  year. Looking forward to meeting new people and learning. For all you people out there with iPhone, WP7, or Android devices check out the main... [Read More]

CDC Tells Us How To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse
I bet you are saying......No way. Well they did offer advice for surviving the zombie apocalypse, however that information is applicable to any pandemic or natural disaster. http://emergency.cdc.gov/socialmedia/zombies_blog.asp I can't say that I would welcome a horde of zombies but at least now I feel better prepared.